Monday, February 15, 2010

Thermo Form Tables delivered

Today our thermo form tables arrived over from our friends of Global Vacuum Presses in Spain. The thermo form tables are two tables, one vacuum table and one oven table. These tables are optimized for working with Solid Surface material (see earlier post 25/11/10).
First a plate of Solid Surface is put in the oven to make it flexible - when it comes out of the oven this stone like material is as flexible as a towel - Secondly it’s placed inside the vacuum table on top of a mold. When the table is closed and the air is sucked out the Solid Surface piece gets time to cool down. When cooled the material stays in the shape it was pressed in by the vacuum and the mold. This way you can make all kinds of fluent shapes and forms. Since the material can be jointless glued together the possibilities are endless.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Solid Shapes™ office interior 2

As desk NAD™ designed ‘the round table of Lancelot’ for Solid Shapes™. The top part of the desk can be rotated so you have access to all the files and folders without leaving the comfort of your chair. The desk is in production, when it is finished I'll upload some more pictures.