Wednesday, January 27, 2010

CAD/CAM order placed

After a long and intensive search for a CAD/CAM software package to operate our coming CNC-machine today we placed a order at Bemet distributer of Delcam software in the Netherlands. Delcam is a specialist in CAD/CAM and the only one with there own tool factory. Delcam is one of the few true tribride CAD/CAM software packages around. Tribirde means it can handle Solids, Surfaces and STL files as equals and that they can be used, modified and milled together in one model. Delcam is as far is I know the only product that is able to mill directly and fast on (large) STL files. Besides these for Solid Shapes™ important features Delcam is the package which can handle the widest variety of file formats. For us this is also an important item because we aspect a lot of different file formats from the designers we ‘ll be working for. As for Ben - our CNC operator - this for him new package is a welcome challenge to get working on the job he loves to do. Both Ben and I have a lot of course days ahead to get things up and running.

Monday, January 25, 2010

First assignment placed at customer

This month we placed our first orders in a modern architectural building by NAD™. Pictures will follow.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ace delivered from Italy

The 3D Ace we milled with the 5-axis CNC machine as a test to compare the machine to a CNC Robot set-up arrived from Italy. The material we used is a hard plastic like PU block. The design was made by NPD™ who used the logo of our friends from Rustic Products™. On the image above you can see the model the way it came out of the CNC machine. No additional finishing was applied. Read more about the Ace in post 09/12/09.

Monday, January 18, 2010

5-Axis CNC Machine order placed

Today Solid Shapes™ made a deal with CNC Team for a 5-axis CMS milling machine. The machine will be delivered around the middle of march. This machine will give us the possibility to create all kinds of three-dimensional shapes for our customers in a wide range of materials. In a future post I’ll go deeper into the possibilities of the machine.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Solid Shapes™ office interior 1

For our own office we made a wall 2 wall cabin with magazine lay-out on top, finished in bright white. Pictures will follow.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year